Building Replacement application in a .Net Environment for LAUSD: The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is the largest 2nd largest public school district in the United States. The school engages approximately 26,000 teachers and 33,000 others with an operating budget in the order of $7 billion.
LAUSD had a CRM Dynamics application to handle their Consolidated Accountability System for Employees (CASE) which managed and tracked employee incidents of infractions, arrests, and misconduct. The CRM application was cumbersome and not well maintained as well as being highly customized, handling 11 business processes with 50 workflows, and some 22 dashboards. The IT department sought to convert CASE into a .Net application they could easily more easily support in the future.
The Krasan Consulting team came on to the LAUSD team to manage the project and build out a replacement application in a .Net environment. The new CASE solution needed to contain workflows with special attention paid to regulatory requirements on handling teacher incidents, track performance records, and court cases through to employee correction, suspension, or dismissal. Many of the workflows in place needed amendments as the application development progressed, and business rules updated as the organization reviewed their current practices. The final solution was constructed to meet LAUSD standards with recognition for HIPAA and PII considerations.
The CASE system Krasan Developed is based on .NET development and is currently in use by LAUSD. The User feedback provided from the LAUSD team is that the system is easier to understand to navigate. The system manages 1200 employee Cases at any one time. The LAUSD team is able to support the application internally. A key benefit from the new application is the ability to track the status of an employee case and view the desired information on an employee.
The LAUSD team is able to support the application internally. A key benefit from the new application is the ability to track the status of an employee case and view the desired information on any employees. Currently used by LAUSD including teams from Employee Relations, Staff Relations, Certificated Performance Evaluation Support (CPES), Transportation, Food Services, Information Technology (IT), Procurement, Office of General Counsel (OGC), Student Safety Investigations Team (SSIT), Operations and Executive Staff.